• Silence is to be observed in the library and the reading room.
  • Books issued are to be property looked after and returned on the due date.
  • All pupils of the school are the members of the library.
  • A student can barrow only one book at a time.
  • A student may ordinary borrow a book for a week, and may get it reissued for another week. However no book that is in great demand shall be lent for more than four days.
  • Books will be issued to students during the library periods mentioned in the timetable. No book will be issued or received back during the teaching hours.
  • Reference books will not be issued. A member will be allowed to consult a reference book during the school hours only.
  • The librarian may call for a book any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
  • If the date of issue/return of books shall stand postponed to the corresponding day of the following week.
  • If the book is not returned at the expiry of the loan period, a fine of Rs 10/- per day will be charged. Fines shall be collected by the librarian and the fact notified in the defaulter’s card.
  • Until such a fine is collected from the defaulter, no book shall be issued to her/him.
  • Absence is no excuse for the delay in returning the book after the expiry of the loan period.
  • In case a book is misused, wrongly handled, damaged or lost, the defaulter concerned will have to pay the full price of the book.
  • Defacing books in an y form and by any means is strictly forbidden. Fine shall be levied for violating this rule.
  • Members shall carefully examine the books as soon as it is issued to them. Any mark (soil, damage, etc) must be reported forthwith to the librarian.
  • Members shall not, on any account pass on books to non members.
  • Strict order and silence shall be maintained in the library.
  • Issue of books shall be stopped by 10 February every year. This is necessary for annual stock taking and checking.
  • A student will not be allowed to bring her/his personal books or bags to the library. Only notebook will be allowed with the permission of the librarian. No magazines or periodicals will be issued to the students except during the school hours.